But Jim and George don’t intend on letting it stay that way!
“It’s like Mystery Science Theater
3000 meets Letterman’s Top Ten Lists!”
Every Tuesday, Jim and George present and debate their individual Top 5 entries of a predetermined topic chosen by the home office in the future. (Click on the button near the bottom of this page to learn about how to submit topics.)
A secondary (unrelated) topic is introduced by the hosts, following the same process as Step One. For example, show topics could include something like: "Top Five Prince guitar solos Top Five things to do when visiting Florida."
Due to size limitations of the canister pod, the two show hosts are only allowed to insert a maximum of 5 items of each topic into the receptacle. Once the items to send to the future have been agreed upon, the capsule is buried and activated with a unique chronal lock that can only be opened by the Time Council many years from now.
Often, celebrity guests will drop by the studio to promote their latest achievements/projects. These guests are asked to serve as a tie-breaker, and are granted final say of what enters the pod. (They are not compensated in any way for this in order to maintain show integrity.)